Recently, the DRDO, or Defence Research & Development Organization, the premier organization spearheading India's surface weapons development, built their new headquarters in central Delhi. And to inaugurate it came the Prime Minister and the Defence Minister. In front of them, the DRDO brass pointed out to the rest of the country that our missle has been ready for test firing for the past two years, but the Government has not given permission to do so. And now that the rest of the country knows about it, the Defence Minister comes out and announces that India has placed a self-imposed ban on itself on missle testing. Ha ha ha. Unless there are much greater games being played here, the ridiculousness of this announcement amazes me.
Our armed forces are our pride, but they have always been subjected to a stepmotherly attitude by the respective Governments. Our weapons development history is checkered with cost overruns and extended deadlines no doubt, but as much as people like to point fingers at the defence organizations, the government is equally to blame for their extremely lethargic, and dangerous to national security, decision making. And that is exactly what the DRDO tried to say in front of the PM yesterday.
Pranab da says that India respects its commitments to non-proliferation and thus refuses to test any more missiles. Will someone explain to me the connection please? So its our missile, our technology, and we can test it for ourselves because that would mean missile technology proliferation? Hmm, it only goes on to prove that the Government of India does not bat for the people of India, no?
As you can guess, I am a jingo, and nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see our armed forces play around with the newest gadgets, fly the best planes, and the zenith of that pleasure would be knowing that they are all produced by us. Unfortunately, I can only dream of such things, because we are far from such a state. There is a vicious circle of bad decision making, short-sightedness, lack of funding and the clear sense of purpose that has plagued all our endeavors in defense research.
I am pretty certain that there is something deeper to this. I am not advocating any conspiracy theory, but there are a couple of points in my mind.
Firstly, it could just be a simple case of gutless Indian netas not being able to think ahead. There could be a case of making money from foreign buys, but this is a freakin 3000 km range missle. You dont buy it off the shelf, so I doubt there is any money to be made by the khadi-clads.
So there are two points that remain. One, our government is indeed thinking far ahead, and is saving this test for the right moment, you know, as our trump card, at a point when we can make the maximum killing and send the right points across. That would be ideal, of course, but there is the more plausible point that the Government of India is indeed under foreign pressure.
Maybe the US (God knows we can trust their clean souls!) would not like the idea of testing a missle that could be a stepping stone to our own ICBM, so there goes the nuclear deal, which the UPA government is all gung-ho about. Then peace with China is always a priority number one for our Chinese Puppets in India. An ICBM test will defnitely hurt the peaceloving philosophy of the Chinese. Remember, the Defence Minister is going to visit Beijing later this month, and there will be plenty of juicy things discussed by them. In addition, the PM is planning a visit to Pakistan. Hmm, lots of diplomacy coming up folks.
And this is the Government of India we are talking about. When Mufti Sayeed, the former J&K CM's daughter was kidnapped, the gutless government released numerous terrorists from its jails to set her free. And this was fodder for the terrorists, because they realized the government of the Republic of India didn't have to balls to face threats. Of course, the class IC-814 hijacking. The goverment was so slow to act that they ended up taking the plane to Afghanistan and we had to release more terrorists. Our crack commandos were ready to storm the plane in Amritsar, but the orders came too late, if at all. Oh what a shameful day. Last I heard the government was pretty embarrassed too, so now they have too have formulated a no-negotiations with terrorists policy. It remains to be seen how much gutless netas adhere to such a policy though.
Coming back to the missle, DRDO's left jab has definitely left the government looking for an escape route, because now questions are pouring in from one and all about their commitment and decision making. Fine, let China and Pakistan and everyone else stock up on weapons. Because as much as netas would like to believe, in war, our enemies will not hesitate to hurt us for even a nanosecond. What do they care, in their air-conditioned homes and cars running on our money, their numerous bodyguards getting paid by our money. Why do they need so much security anyways, who are they afraid of? when shit'll hit the fan folks, let me be the one to say, our netas will be the first to abandon ship.
India will not AGNI-III missile
Ruling out any political pressure against test firing of India's longest-range surface-to-surface Agni-III missile, Defence Minister Pranab Mukherjee said on Monday that it was "self-imposed restraint" not to go ahead with it.
"As responsible members of the international community, we want to keep our international commitments on non-proliferation," the Defence Minister said when asked why India was not going ahead with testing of the Agni-III missile.
Self-restraint does not mean that Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) can't go ahead with cold bed tests for the sub-systems of the missile."The Defence Minister's comments come after assertion by the country's top Defence Scientist M Natarajan on Sunday that DRDO had cleared all technical parameters for the test of the Missile, which will give New Delhi capability of hitting targets more than 4,000 kms away.
Mukherjee told the Defence accountants that they should speedily get acquainted with the new life cycle support system being offered by the US and other Western Nations as part of weapons system sales.
He also told them that there should be no laxity and efforts be made to ensure that there was 100 per cent utilisation of Defence budgetary grants.
AGNI - III raring to go, Government not keenThe Agni-III, India's most ambitious nuclear capable ballistic missile, has been ready for launch for close to two years.
Although India has not articulated big power aspirations, the Agni-III is intended to be a stepping-stone to the development of an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile, the possession of which will put India at par with other nuclear weapon states.
But the Government is shying away from giving a go-ahead for test-firing this 3,000 km-range missile, capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.
"I have been concerned about the problems of cost and time overruns which have plagued our defence industry for decades now. For it is true that each project that undergoes cost and time overruns is also siphoning off vitally required resources away from other defence projects, and ultimately, from the nation's poor," Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, said.
Tired of being at the receiving end of criticism about its poor record in meeting deadlines, the DRDO thought it was time to point a finger back at the Government.
It chose the inauguration of its swanky headquarters in Lutyen's Delhi to convey the message that lethargy in government decision-making is delaying India's preparedness to ward off nuclear threats.
Experts feel that with a largely unproven armoury and delivery systems, potential nuclear rivals will not take Indian capability seriously, tearing the credibility of its deterrence to shreds.
They say that with the indecision on the test-firing of Agni-III, the fate of India's nuclear weapons programme seems uncertain.
Notice the Prime Minister talks of defence cost overruns and other delays talking precious money away from developmental projects. You know, I have seen a lot of things, read a lot of things, and now I think I can say that is the biggest load of bull generated by I dont know who. Billions and billions of rupees have been spent on India's poor, yet this country does not seem to be rising out of the morass any quicker. It doesn't because netas have bled it to death. The plunderers of India do not wear the Queen's insignia now, they wear a khadi kurta. I think it was during Rajiv Gandhi's tenure that they came out with the figure that for every rupee spent on the poor, only 13 paise reaches the intended? Well thats the stat, and how can we claim that the poor can't be uplifted because India spends more on its R&D? The poor can't be uplifted because the nexus of netas, babus, judges, police etc. etc. siphon off every little penny from the intended funds. Lets take a look at that first, Mr. PM.
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