I've not really been able to sit down and work on my blog for a while. Its not really because I am tired or bored of doing it, its just that I have been bogged down with so many things recently.
At work, I have to learn the jobs of two interns till the replacements come in, and this extra work keeps me busy all day. In addition, I am moving to a new place, and all my evenings after work go in moving my things and helping my new roommates move their things. But the move is done and I am waiting for an internet connection at my new apartment before I can get down to business again.
But some musings still. It seems the anti-quota stir among the doctors and students of India is stirring up again, because the Government just brought the bill into the House. I strongly believe that the bill will be passed, simply because it is in the interest of all the netas to keep this country divided.
I am finally beginning to find a lot more examples of writers who say that the reason our public education is in a mess is because it is, again, not in the interests of the netas to educate the masses. If only the masses can see through this and demand what is rightfully ours, i.e a right to education and a right to lead an a life of equality and freedom, without prejudice and injustice.
Meanwhile, there is a new controversy surrounding Vande Mataram. Apparently, it is unislamic for the Muslims of India to sing our national songs. I don't know what to say in this case. All I know is that I would like to take a big cricket bat and beat these bloody mullahs and the Darul-Uloom people in Deoband to a pulp. From being the centers of learning and philosophy, they have reduced themselves to their counterparts in Pakistan; rabid and orthodox. Please grow up. Your fate is attached to the fate of the country you live in, and singing praises of your motherland in no way constitutes unislamism.
Also, the government is increasing its attempts to play the big brother and decide what the people of this country can and cannot watch. Apparently a lot of television channels showing American movies and playing western shows are banned for showing smut. Oh my God, how will I get to see half-nude chicks now???
If you didn't get it, its sarcasm. What I am trying to say is that no government can beat technology. You can't watch a girl in a bikini on tv, then that kid will get his/her fix from the internet, or a pirated porno CD, or numerous other ways. Instead of trying to be an open society, we are trying to close it further. It is pretty much the same mentality that if a streetside romeo teases a girl because she is showing her legs, the girl should be punished. Bloody close-minded medieval cockroaches.
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