It has been a long time since i've been here. My life has been turned in a completely different direction since my last post here, and it took me all this while to finally push myself to devote some time to my blog again.
I am in India currently, and the first thing that I realize is that despite all the glitz and good news that one hears about India in the international fora, the canker sores really start to stick out when one reaches the motherland. For one, it seems to me that all this optimism about India's continued extraordinary economic performance will not amount to much if the social sectors of the country continue to take the rapid nosedive. My logic is simple - can more money in my pocket really make up for the lack of opportunities, the lack of a rule of law, above all a lack of dignity in my daily life? I highly doubt that claim. If anything, India seems to be getting divided into two new classes of people - one with more money in their pocket and a consequent disinterest and insulation from the tribulations of daily life. The other is the group that still leads it's life life it used to before all the neo-economic jargon such as globalization and foreign trade invaded India.
I need to write a lot more on the rapid death of culture and sanity in our society. For now, all I can see around me is the slow death of humanity, and the inability of most Indians to overcome it.
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