Tuesday, December 02, 2008

once again, we're wounded

I think I have been whining about the incompetence and senility of many of the current Con'gress ministers in the central government, particularly the then Home Minister, Shivraj Patil, and the HRD Minister, Arjun Singh. Shivraj Patil has finally been shown the door in the aftermath of the greatest terrorist attack on Indian soil in Mumbai.

Had it been a bomb blast, and even though scores would have lost their lives, we would have heard a hullaballo from our impotent, devious netas, and the streets would be cleaned up, promises of improving the system would be made, and we'd be back to living our lives.

Now the terror has reached where our rich and powerful live and dine, places where the foreign (read caucasian, white) tourists stay, and it seems the society is waking up to the fact that nothing has been done other than promises. So Shivraj Patil, that Gandhi butler, lost his post, so what? There is nothing that anybody can expect from this senile, divisive agenda-driven party, and with the polls coming, they couldnt care less if the internal intelligence structure is strengthened or not. They want to win the elections, and parties don't win elections with good work, especially good work that goes behind the scenes and can't be boasted about in your election campaigns. Let me not even talk of the possibilities in front of P Chidambaram, because it will be pointless.

The only hope that I have is the people's fury will play its part. Bomb blasts are a nameless terror that do not ask who they kill. What happened in Mumbai was much bigger than that. The Jews at Nariman House were all gunned down, a Turkish couple was told they could leave because they were Muslim, and scores of women and children were found murdered on the floors of the Taj mahal hotel and the Oberai Trident Hotel. This is probably the first time in my time that the Armed Forces had to be called on to deal with domestic terror. Such was the preparedness and planning that these pigs had, and not to forget the arsenal of weapons, including military guns made by the Paki Army itself. And yet, we have the same country calling for a joint terror probe, because the Con'gress, in one gentle swoop to secure its Muslim votebank, said that the Pakis were victims of terror too.

I dont know which major politician played what part in letting this situation be where it is today, but I do hope to God that it gives democracy the power that great men have been clamouring that it has to bring about a change.